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Everything You Need to Know About Treating the Atrophic Maxilla with Remote Anchorage
Dental Implants

492 Pages
800+ images
1000+ references


This Book Will Teach You


Anatomy Review

Surgical Techniques

Sample Cases

Contributing Authors

  • Dr. Alexandre-Amir Aalam​​

  • Dr. Paulo Almeida

  • Dr. Ramsey Amin

  • Dr. Chris Barrett

  • Dr. Vishtasb Broumand

  • Dr. Vanderlim Branco Camargo

  • Dr. Danny Domingue

  • Dr. Sara Emery

  • Dr. Aldo Espinosa

  • Dr. Francesco Gallo

  • Dr. Alvaro Gracia

  • Dr. Ole Jensen


  • Dr. Igor Kaplansky

  • Dr. Alexander Nguyen​

  • Dr. Fadi Obeid

  • Dr. Simon Oh

  • Dr. Shouvik Ponnusamy

  • Dr. Khalid Ragab

  • Dr. Cory Ryan

  • Dr. Rajan Sheth

  • Dr. Luc Vrielinck

  • Dr. Brian Young

  • Dr. David Zelig

  • Dr. Francesco Zingari


Dan Holtzclaw, DDS, MS

Meet the Author

With over 60 published articles, 200+ main podium lectures at international dental implant conferences, and the world's first textbook on pterygoid implants, Dr. Dan Holtzclaw is widely recognized as one of the world's leading authorities on immediately loaded full-arch dental implant treatment. 

Dr. Holtzclaw is a Diplomate of both the American Board of Periodontology and the International Congress of Oral Implantologists.  Dr. Holtzclaw served as the Editor-In-Chief of the Journal of Implant and Advanced Clinical Dentistry for 13 years and is an editorial board member and/or reviewer for 6 other dental journals.  Dr. Holtzclaw has been named a "Leader in Continuing Dental Education" by Dentistry Today Magazine for 18 consecutive years. 

Book Features


Custom Illustrations

Unique Photos

Case Reports

Forewords by Dr. Ole Jensen and Dr. Luc Vrielinck

Zygomatic Implants​

  • History of Zygomatic Implants

  • Zygomatic Implant Anatomy

  • Indications and Contraindications

  • Pre-Surgical Workup

  • Surgical Technique

  • Prosthetic considerations

  • Complications and How to Deal with Them

    • 53 pages long!​

  • Long Term Maintenance

    • How do you take care of these cases?​

  • Quad-Zygomatic Implants


TransNasal Dental Implants

  • Learn the newest concept in Remote Anchorage Implant

  • Transnasal Implant Anatomy​​​

    • Review of the Nasolacrimal Drainage System​
    • Review of Nasal Anatomy
    • An explanation of the "Z" Point for transnasal anchorage
  • Sample cases from:

    • Dr. Vanderlim Branco Camargo​

    • Dr. Paulo Almeida

    • Dr. David Zelig

    • Dr. Simon Oh

    • Dr. Juan Gonzalez

    • Dr. Alexandre-Amir Aalam

    • Dr. Dan Holtzclaw​​​


Pterygoid Dental Implants

  • Updated technique protocols

  • Anatomy 

  • Complications


Nasopalatine Dental Implants

  • Anatomy​​

  • Technique

  • Lit Review


Pirform and Nasal Rim Dental Implants

  • Anatomy​​

  • Technique

  • Lit Review


Trans-Sinus Dental Implants

  • Anatomy​​

  • Technique

  • Lit Review


Sample Remote Anchorage Implant Cases

  • 9 Cases documented with a plethora of images from:

    • Dr. Dan Holtzclaw​

    • Dr. Juan Gonzalez

    • Dr. Paulo Almeida

    • Dr. Vishtasb Broumand

    • Dr. Igor Kaplansky

    • Dr. Alvaro Gracia

    • Dr. Francesco Zingari

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